Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spending the night in Frontera Corozal

    I love Mexico but hope this my last night here because I want to get on to the western Guatemala mountains.
    My plans changed again because I learned no transportation exists to head south after crossing the border and heading east for a few hours, to Flores, would mean a long uncomfortable overnight bus trip to Guatemala City, where I don't want to stay.
    Tomorrow morning I'll hopefully find other travelers willing to split the cost of a boat to visit the ruins of Yaxchilan, and get there and back in time to board the 1 o'clock bus to Comitan, where I'll cross the border.     If I'm not in time for the bus, I will have to stay one more night in this river border town.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are picked a great time to be away...snow and more snow...Mary
