Friday, February 14, 2014

Another successful day...And a new town.

   The high cost of a boat to visit Yaxchilan made me decide to leave Frontera Corozal this morning when a Mexican couple, also trying for low cost, asked me to join them for a bargain price.
     So I managed to see the ruins and then got to a lonely crosroad on the main highway and flagged down a combi collectivo that took me to Benemerito, where I can find transport to Comitan, Mexico, tomorrow morning.
    The warm wind massaging my face as the combi van raced down the (narrow two-lane) highway, and a sense of fulfillment nearly lulled me to sleep, along with the noise of tires, wind, and little-kid voices from two seats back.
    From Comitan, another collectivo will take me to the Guatamalan border, though I'm not sure where I'll go from there.
    Plenty of time to decide, or, I could just board the first bus no matter where it's going.

    Internet in Benemerito is v.e.r.y slow so I can't post many pix while here, but will hopefully catch up later.

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